
Hello, fellow book lovers! It’s been a minute since you’ve heard from me, hasn’t it?

I’ve been focusing for the last few months on mental, physical, and spiritual health, all three of which suffered during the pandemic. It was time well spent—and will continue—but it did require that I back off on things like social media and blogging.

But that doesn’t mean I haven’t been writing!

Exciting news: I finished the second (third?) draft of my YA fantasy novel Traitor in late July, and it’s now in the hands of my lovely and talented critique partners for review! (You can find some of these ladies on my “Reading” page, by the way!) I managed to cut 50,000 words and focus on the story I want to tell. I can’t wait to see what they think!

Second exciting thing to share: Another one of my short stories was published in late June! It’s a story very close to my heart, a memoir on the joys and challenges of raising a strong-willed daughter. Check it out here

Lastly, despite vowing to take the month off from writing, I broke and entered a flash fiction piece into the Australian Writers Centre’s monthly Furious Fiction contest this past weekend. Cross your fingers for me!

That’s all for now, I think. Be well, read lots, and stay tuned for more updates!


On Disability and Stories


Mental Health Anthology by Quillkeepers Press